About the Journal

Name of Journal: International Research Journal of Pure Algebra
EISSN: 2248-9037
Published By: Scientific Research
Starting Year: 2011
Frequency: Monthly


The authors are solely responsible for the contents of the papers compiled in this volume. The publishers or editors do not take any responsibility for the same in any manner. Errors, if any, are purely unintentional and readers are requested to communicate such errors to the editors to avoid discrepancies in future.

International Research Journal of Pure Algebra

ISSN 2248-9037

The International Research Journal of Pure Algebra (RJPA) is published Open Access Monthly Journal of Mathematics and its Application & Academic Sciences Professionals. Journal Publishes Original reviews, Original research articles and short communications. The scope of the journal is to meet the need of Mathematics research and Science. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to established specification. Failure to follow them may result in papers being delayed or rejected. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission. 

The manuscripts should be checked carefully for grammatical errors. All papers are subjected to peer review. Manuscripts could be submitted online from http://www.rjpa.info or direct to submitted editorrjpa@gmail.com

Character of the publications:

  • •    Pure Mathematics
    •    Basic Algebra
    •    Semi groups and monoids
    •    Group theory
    •    Ring theory
    •    Field theory
    •    Module theory
    •    Representation theory
    •    Non-associative system
    •    Computer Algebra
    •    Advanced Algebra
    •    Probability
    •    Applied Algebra
    •    Mathematical research
    •    Areas of advanced Mathematics
    •    Applied Mathematics
    •    Development of Algebraic theories
    •    Co-modules
    •    Ring theory
    •    Co-rings
    •    Co-algebras
    •    Number theory
    •    Algebraic geometry
    •    Computational algebra

Visit us at: http://www.rjpa.info

Int. Research Journal of Pure Algebra 
E-mail: editorrjpa@gmail.com